Take on a Home Office Project

Take on a Home Office Project

Take a step back and imagine a home office where you would love to work. It’s time to make your ideal space a reality.
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Reassessing the Important Things in Life

Reassessing the Important Things in Life

2020, so far, has been a gigantic opportunity for the whole world to step back, look at what’s going on, and reassess the important things in life.
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Hydrate Without Drinking "Water"

Everyone needs to stay hydrated. It’s life 101. Especially during times like these when we need to do everything we can to stay healthy.
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Turn Off Negative Self-Talk

We all do it. Let the voices in our head tell us how we should feel, what we should (and shouldn’t do), that we’re not good enough…Not to worry 
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Be a Pro Procrastinator

Be a Pro Procrastinator

Working from home we have lots of distractions available. I want to tell you why procrastination’s ok (and help you procrastinate like a boss!).
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Master Working Remotely

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